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Step into your power to  LEAD, LIVE & IMPACT with your Authentic EDGE.

Angela Chute

Hi, I'm

Angela Chute

Founder of Authentic Edge


This is my Story


I was one of those who followed the rules, worked hard, got good grades. I married the great guy, had the beautiful daughter, built the forever home. Applied for the great job, went back to school, chased more letters after my name. I was dedicated and loyal, earned promotions, impressive titles and bigger salaries. I worked in the glassed walled office, and drove the fancy convertible.  I relished in the respect of clients, collegues, associates and partner, while working insane crazy hours, even while on vacation.  I was amazing at my job. By all definitions, I owned success on every level. But... I was cell deep tired and simply not happy. How was that even possible? 

I tried to talk myself out of it. Everyone gets tired. It must be a phase. I loyally worked on helping my team through aquistions after aquisition and change upon change. 

Open, honest loyalty, didn't prepare me for betrayal. Betrayal from a friend, close colleague and business partner.

I never saw it coming. I was eliminated from the department I helped build. Bretryal isn't right. It isn't fair and it hurts

I struggled to wrap my head around dizzying untruths, broken promises, and widespread deception. That kind of abrupt change turns everything upside down.  My identity was eliminated, along with my job. I didn't understand. I questioned my ability to know anything, do anything, trust anyone, including myself. Who was I, if I wasn't what I was really good at, for over a decade? Who was I without the title, the office, the repuation and the salary? I shut down. For a long time.

The sun still came up and people went about their Iives. The world continued. While I struggled to breathe. 

Eventually, I had a choice to make, either remain in  my self imposed prison or breakthrough, as simply ME. I rebuilt courage to know and trust myself. I reconnected with the person I had always been, The real person, apart from what I did. I reintroduced myself to ME. I rediscovered who I am. I got comfortable in my own skin, being me, authentic, unique, amazingly, one of a kind. 

I stepped forward: Confident. Hardworking. Competent. Trustworthy. Resilient. Happy. Healthy. Debt Free. Loving living life,Knowing my WORTH. 

I redefined Success on MY TERMS. I found my Authentic EDGE. 

A disaster turned into an amazing GIFT! I’ve turned my transformation from struggle to success into a foundational system that other women can readily use to truly KNOW, TRUST and MANAGE themselves.

I help women like you, KNOW our Worth, STEP into our OWN POWER to LEAD, LIVE and IMPACT with our Authentic EDGE. 

LEAD with Quality.


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